Marine Instruments Satellite Buoys

EarthSightful Solutions, LLC is an authorized distributor of Marine Instruments products, and provide consulting of a range of the buoys not only for fishing but also other applications that require geospatial data and mapping capabilities.

Marine Instruments designs and manufactures satellite buoys that are designed to allow tracking assets in the ocean allowing for in increases in operational efficiency, and prevention of loss of fishing gear. Lost fishing gear is costly and may cause navigational safety risks; material washed overboard or lost in the water may add to pollution and could be tagged for later recovery.

HF radio-based models have no associated fees but limited range; satellite communication buoys have no range limit and operate anywhere on the globe, but there are recurring communication fees. Buoys can have temperatures sensors or echo sounders enhance the probability of fishing fish on tagged Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs).

Some examples are:

  1. Tagging and providing SONAR for Tuna Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFAD’s).
  2. Tagging Ghost Nets – aid in recovering free-drifting nets and lost fishing gear.
  3. Tagging and providing SONAR for anchored FADs for commercial fishing.
  4. Tagging and enhancing with SONAR Recreational Artificial Reefs.
  5. Tagging drifting garbage and plastics.
  6. Shark tagging with drum lines for swimmer safety.
  7. Tagging whale cadavers for recovery and necropsy.